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A Cub of the Caliphate’s Jihad Anne Speckhard A Cub of the Caliphate’s Jihad is the 72nd counter narrative video in the ICSVE Breaking the ISIS Brandseries. It features fifteen-year-old Syrian, ISIS Cub of the Caliphate, Ibn Omar who was interviewed in November 2015 in southern Turkey…

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Revenge in the Islamic State Anne Speckhard Revenge in the Islamic Stateis the 69th counter narrative video in the ICSVE Breaking the ISIS Brandseries. This video features 22-year-old Abu Valid, a Syrian defected ISIS fighter. Abu Valid was interviewed in December of 2015, in Southern…

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It is Jihad Anne Speckhard It is Jihad is the 74th counter narrative video in the ICSVE Breaking the ISIS Brandseries. This video features 27-year-old Abu Taha, an Iraqi ISIS guard. Abu Taha was interviewed in 2017 in prison in Baghdad by Anne Speckhard.…

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